Cherokee Genealogy & Research
Frequently Asked Questions
I've heard there aren't many records on American Indians, so how can you research Cherokee ancestry?
While it is a common belief that no records exist for American Indians, it simply isn't true, especially for the Cherokee. Because of their early contact with Europeans, the Cherokee have become one of the best documented groups of people in the world with over 30 rolls; mission school records; missionary journals; Indian agency records; lost property claims; muster rolls; ration lists; Cherokee Nation censuses; and many other records.
How long does it take you to complete a job?
The completion date is always agreed upon by the client and myself. 95% of my jobs are completed in 30 days or less.
What information will I receive when you complete my research?
Project deliverables are agreed upon by the client and myself based on the client's needs. Most clients opt to receive the standard research report that includes the research highlights; a research narrative with source citations; recommendations for further research; and copies of documents found during the research.
Why don't you list the cost for research on your website?
Every job is based on client need, therefore prices vary accordingly and will be defined in the client agreement.
If I hire you, can you promise to find Cherokee ancestry?
No ethical genealogist can promise that. If someone does, don't just walk, but run away from them. As genealogists, all we can do is research your lineage and report what we find based on the documentation following the Genealogical Proof Standard set forth by the Board for the Certification for Genealogists.